27th Jun 2014

Survey Launch for JLA PSP on Surgery of Common Shoulder Problems

Shoulder pain and loss of shoulder function are very common, with four percent of the population visiting their GP each year and 50 percent still reporting pain and disability after six months.

A new James Lind Alliance (JLA) Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) has been approved to explore the treatment uncertainties in 'Surgery for Common Shoulder Problems'.

This PSP started in March 2014 and will help to identify which shoulder treatment uncertainties matter most to patients, carers and clinicians, and help researchers prioritise future research activity.

This national PSP is being funded by the British Elbow and Shoulder Society and the British Orthopaedic Association. The PSP is using a JLA priority setting process and will be supported by and based in the Oxford Biomedical Research Unit and Oxford Biomedical Research Centre.

A survey has now been launched as part of the PSP and if you, or someone you care for, has had or is considering surgery and has questions that they would like answered by research, then your help in completing this survey would be greatly welcomed.

Please click here to access the survey.

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