SNAP-3 (Frailty and Delirium): Home

SNAP3 2019

SNAP-3 to examine
Frailty, delirium and the older surgical patient

The 3rd Sprint National Anaesthesia Project (SNAP-3) is an observational cohort study that aims to describe the impact of frailty and delirium, and their management, on outcomes following surgery in older people. In common with SNAP-1 and SNAP-2 it will consist of a short period of data collection from potentially every eligible patient having surgery in a defined period of time. We estimate that approximately 12,000 individuals will take part, making it one of the largest studies of its kind in the world.

We hope the results of the study will help improve decision making by patients and clinicians, as well as providing evidence for optimal design of perioperative services.

These pages will be updated regularly with progress and news. SNAP-3 is generously supported by the Royal College of Anaesthetists. It is being jointly managed by the Health Services Research Centre and the University of Nottingham.

SNAP-3 Data Collection Period

SNAP 3 data collection launch date - 21st March 2022
SNAP 3 Principal Investigator training will begin in October 2021

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